Hope House
The 32 roomed property provides accommodation for single homeless adults. Referrals via Portsmouth City Council Housing Options team.
Contact information
Hope House
Milton Road
Telephone: 02392 736544

Portsmouth Foyer – Young people’s Foyer service
The 48 roomed property provides accommodation for young people between 16 and 25 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Referrals via Portsmouth City Council Housing Options team.
Contact information
Portsmouth Foyer
19 Greetham Street
Telephone: 02392 360001

The Portsmouth Foyer has changed my life – without it I’d probably be homeless, but thanks to the support I’ve now completed a college course and am looking forward to developing a career in the Police and moving on to independent living.
Victoria Road South, PO5 2BW
Seven bed accommodation and support for young people between 16 and 25 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Referrals via Portsmouth City Council Housing Options team.
Portsmouth mental health
We offer a variety of high and medium-low supported accommodation for clients experiencing homelessness, mental health or substance misuse issues. Referrals through Solent NHS.
Contact information
Two Saints Ltd
Oakdene House
Oakdene Road
Telephone: 02392 732351
Portsmouth sub-lets
Individual self contained flats in the community for people who have experienced mental ill-health. Our clients are supported by a support worker to maintain their accommodation and move towards complete independence. Referrals through Solent care co-ordinators.
Contact information
c/o Two Saints
Portsmouth Resettlement Offices
Milton Road
Telephone: 02392 875887
Safer Communities, c/o Yew House, Milton Road
This service offers resettlement accommodation and support for people with an offending background who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Referrals via Portsmouth City Council Housing Options team.
Contact information
C/O Two Saints
Portsmouth Resettlement Offices
Milton Road
Telephone: 02392 875887